Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ross Product Haul

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Ross Product Haul


Hello my product loving viewers!! So if you guys are like me, you have your days when you're bored, don't have much money, but still want to go out on the hunt for some wonderful items you might be shocked by! Well...That's kind of what I did here:

Item Find #1: Green Garden Colon Cleanse

I have been feeling like I have been gaining weight lately, and that has to be because either I find myself stress eating, or that I'm CONSTANTLY eating at night. Why do I do this?? Why do we all do this?? Because it's comforting. Because its fun. I could list a thousand more reasons, but we aren't going to go there. Instead let me list the wonderful ingredients and tell you that this thing needs no sugar, and it tangy and fruity tasting on its own!! The natural ingredients make this thing taste amazing. If i ever feel like juice, this is what i go for. ALL you need is water. Nope. No. You don't have to thank me. I have just made your life THAT much easier. Priced: $7.99

Item Find #1: Green Garden Colon Cleanse

Okay, hold it. Hold it. I am definitely not the one to wax, if this thing says no pain, there should be NO PAIN. I tried it a little and that's because I am a baby when it comes to waxing lol. I really want to develop an immunity towards the pain, and hopefully I can in the future. :(  Comes with  a lot reusable wax strips including various applicators! Also I find the product name to be extremely cute.

*Instructions are Located on a little paper inside of the box, and are very easy to read since they are visual!

Item Find #3: Hard Candy's Dark Spot Correcting Primer

 I was definitely skeptical about this product, but I wanted to do a review on this anyway!! I mean why not? I have dark spots on my face from previous acne, and I was thinking this could help! WELL it did <3 I was pleased with it. It worked so well, that me and my friend crystal tried it out on our shooting day for our lookbooks for youtube, and we stayed matte! As well as it covered my dark spots pretty well under my BB cream. I like the texture since it isn't watery, and creates a nice sheer finish. The only pet peeve I had with this product was the packaging. Don't get me wrong, its not Hard Candy's fault, its Walmarts. For putting their ugly tag sticker on the front. Its ugly enough to wear it ruins the packaging of the product for me. Poor Hard Candy...they deserve better!

Item Find #4: 40 Carrots Product Line

Sigh. I can say that I absolutely enjoy these products to the fullest. I know this because im on my second bottle on a few of them! In the video, I feature the Face mask, the hair oil, and the Vitamin C Serum! The mask to start off with really makes a difference in your skin especially if you are having issues with blemishes during the week. My problem is that I don't get enough sleep, because of editing and working so I get these. Just apply to your face in the more or night, for 15 min to how ever long you want to go for. If you have pimples that are irritated it may burn, but to me it's a good thing lol it really dries them up! As for the the Hair Serum, that thing is magical!! Please always apply hair oil to your hair when its wet, because it has the best effect for your hair cuticles to seal them in! The hair Becomes a lot more manageable and easy to work with! And lastly, the Vitamin C Serum can be used as a moisturizer!! Oh how lovely it is on your skin after you finish washing it and putting on your toner. Very refreshing everyone!! These products are definitely in my must have lists for the summer!

*Instructions are Located on a little paper inside of the box, and are very easy to read since they are visual!

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